“I Kill Myself: A Live Comedy Show” Fresh Fish Award – Shortlist

I made it to the short list of the Fresh Fish Awards! This award is sponsored by Writers NL and the NLCU and is an award for as-yet unpublished works. I’m honoured to be nominated and to have made it this far, plus, look at the nice things Joshua Goudie said about “I Kill Myself: … More “I Kill Myself: A Live Comedy Show” Fresh Fish Award – Shortlist

Six Time Loop Movies to Watch This Groundhog Day

February 2 is Groundhog Day, that merry time of the year when a large rodent tells us if climate change will bring us cold snaps or heat waves in the spring. Whimsical! If you’re like me, your Groundhog Day tradition includes rewatching the classic 1993 Bill Murray comedy about being stuck in a time loop. … More Six Time Loop Movies to Watch This Groundhog Day

Lesbian Trash Panda: The Mitchells vs the Machines vs Queer Representation

It’s Oscar clickbait season, so today’s Lesbian Trash Panda is about The Mitchells vs the Machines! This post answers burning questions like: Will the Mitchells save the planet? Is it gay? Will they reunite as a family? How gay is it? Will animation for kids ever break the queer glass ceiling? And more! … More Lesbian Trash Panda: The Mitchells vs the Machines vs Queer Representation

What Your Go-To Holiday Movie Says About You

Channeling my inner buzzfeed for some Christmas content cheer. ELF What this says about you: You are EXTREMELY into Christmas and loud and proud about it. You decorate your work space like a Christmas village every year and hand-write cards for every person you’ve ever met (how do you find their addresses?). Your tree goes … More What Your Go-To Holiday Movie Says About You

Lesbian Trash Panda: A Two-Spirit Journey

Welcome back to Lesbian Trash Panda, a blog where I, a gay gremlin, review lesbian or otherwise queer media that I love. Today’s installment: “A Two-Spirit Journey.” ALL ABOUT THAT TRASH HEARTBREAKING STORY Summary “A Two-Spirit Journey: The Autobiography of a Lesbian Ojibwa-Cree Elder” is the story of Ma-Nee Chacaby, a Two-Spirit Ojibwa-Cree lesbian who … More Lesbian Trash Panda: A Two-Spirit Journey