Lesbian Trash Panda: The Mitchells vs the Machines vs Queer Representation

It’s Oscar clickbait season, so today’s Lesbian Trash Panda is about The Mitchells vs the Machines! This post answers burning questions like: Will the Mitchells save the planet? Is it gay? Will they reunite as a family? How gay is it? Will animation for kids ever break the queer glass ceiling? And more! … More Lesbian Trash Panda: The Mitchells vs the Machines vs Queer Representation


It is hard to put into words how excited I am to marry this wonderful woman. She is so sweet and funny and good. I love her very, very much.

Today is our wedding, the first of our days legally married – but I have already been committed to her for a long time, and I will be for a lifetime. ❤ … More Kiss

Lesbian Trash Panda: A Two-Spirit Journey

Welcome back to Lesbian Trash Panda, a blog where I, a gay gremlin, review lesbian or otherwise queer media that I love. Today’s installment: “A Two-Spirit Journey.” ALL ABOUT THAT TRASH HEARTBREAKING STORY Summary “A Two-Spirit Journey: The Autobiography of a Lesbian Ojibwa-Cree Elder” is the story of Ma-Nee Chacaby, a Two-Spirit Ojibwa-Cree lesbian who … More Lesbian Trash Panda: A Two-Spirit Journey